I was asked to do a work-related book report at a prior job. I found this to apply not only to the workplace but also to our personal lives. Please give the book a try – “Getting Naked,” by Patrick Lencioni. Meantime, here is my book review. Thanks for stopping by.
First of all, the book “Getting Naked” has a catchy title, which I’ll explain in a sec. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this book reads like a short novel. With pen and notepad handy, I started reading. I braced myself to be in a read-a-lecture frame of mind but I was happily disappointed. I love it! Naming the fictional character “Jack Bauer” was a nice touch. These two clever steps that the author took made for an interesting, hold-my-breath-I-can’t put-the-book-down read for me.
In summary, “Getting Naked” gives excellent advice for service providers, consultants and other people in an organization – to show vulnerability to clients, thus, nakedness. Vulnerability is conquering all three basic fears – fear of losing the business, fear of being embarrassed and fear of feeling inferior. Note: All three fears overlap at some point but the author showed clear examples to differentiate each one.
I think this “naked” technique would apply to other types of relationships, as well. One particular type of relationship wherein this will really be useful is in the world of dating. Per dating adviser, Rori Raye, it is “wearing your heart on your sleeve,” unafraid to show raw emotions. Sans drama, of course. There’s a big difference, haha. Getting back on point…
Fear of losing the business. Gleaning from losing this fear, vulnerability puts the clients ahead of one’s own agenda, caring enough to genuinely help clients with their challenges and not giving a hoot if the business deals don’t push through. (This is actually planting the seeds and reaping the benefits later, genius!). It is gently but firmly giving them the truth, hard facts about their businesses, i.e., tough love.
Fear of being embarrassed. Vulnerability is admitting, owning and moving past one’s mistakes towards productively and efficiently finding solutions – being a quintessential team player. It’s setting aside one’s pride or self-consciousness and remaining in a constant state of humility.
Fear of feeling inferior. Vulnerability is doing everything humanly possible to help ease the clients’ burden. No task is too menial. It may require some sacrifices, sure, but when done willingly and sincerely, it poses no burden at all.
Now to me… I had no idea that I’ve been prancing around mostly naked all these years, lol. I’m usually good with the first and third fears. However, my waterloo sometimes is fear # 2 – self-consciousness. I care too much what other people would say about me (rampant especially during my teens). Nevertheless, I’ve learned to curb this fear because life is, indeed, too short to be sweating about the small stuff. I’ve improved a lot but still continue to learn… getting better, a bit at a time.
And oh, by the way, the ultimate end goal of the author is to show how one can build trust and eventually endear oneself to clients, in the hopes of building solid, healthy and long-term relationships with them!